Take Action at Cincinnati Planning Commission 11/17 to Stop the Teardown of 1005 Gilbert for Surface Parking
Surface Parking Matt Butler Surface Parking Matt Butler

Take Action at Cincinnati Planning Commission 11/17 to Stop the Teardown of 1005 Gilbert for Surface Parking

With the vote on the surface parking ban set for mere weeks from now, a parking lot developer is trying to circumvent the process. Council has approved a temporary ban on new surface parking while the issue is studied by city management. The report and vote are set for early December. Yet, the developer was able to get on the planning commission agenda less than 24 hours before the meeting. Your in-person assistance is crucial to stop the teardown.

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Take Action to Stop the Expansion of Surface Parking Lots in Cincinnati
Matt Butler Matt Butler

Take Action to Stop the Expansion of Surface Parking Lots in Cincinnati

Update 9/12 after the vote:

Thank you for supporting the IDC extension and zoning against parking lots. Despite the opposition, council listened to your voices and granted the extension of the IDC!

The final ordinance for a vote is in 3 months.

Stay updated by registering below, and sign the No More Concrete Wastelands petition to let your elected officials know that you want Cincinnati to continue to be a thriving city, not endless parking lots.

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