Take Action to Stop the Expansion of Surface Parking Lots in Cincinnati

Act Now Against Car-Centric Development

The time has come to take a stand against car-oriented development. To reclaim downtown and forge a future for our city, we must reevaluate our outdated land-use policies. Your assistance is crucial in this endeavor.

Critical Vote Alert: Equitable Growth and Housing Committee Meeting

Date: September 12th, 2023

Time: 1:00 PM

Location: Cincinnati City Hall or Join via Zoom (Pre-registration is required for speaking via Zoom)

Attend this pivotal meeting, whether in person at City Hall or virtually through Zoom to voice your support for the extension of the IDC and the zoning ordinance that safeguards our urban core from further surface parking lots.

Together, let's tell City Council: "No more surface parking lots!" Your participation can shape the future of our city.

Update 9/12 after the vote:

Thank you for supporting the IDC extension and zoning against parking lots. Despite the opposition, council listened to your voices and granted the extension of the IDC!

The final ordinance for a vote is in 3 months.

Stay updated by registering below, and sign the No More Concrete Wastelands petition to let your elected officials know that you want Cincinnati to continue to be a thriving city, not endless parking lots.

Talking Points:

Feel free to customize or add your own.

  • More parking promotes more car usage (induced demand)

  • More parking creates more runoff and a heat island effect

  • Any land that is used for surface parking is not being used for housing, hotel, industry, or any other use.

  • Negative impacts on revenue to the city

  • Barely any property tax, no income tax

  • Parking: We already have about 40k off-street spots in downtown

  • We need to take a holistic approach that looks at the entirety of our downtown in the context of the City as a whole.

  • Downtown is the most accessible neighborhood by transit

  • The worst use of land downtown is a surface parking lot

  • We should not make a carve-out for a specific property owner or a small portion of property

  • All property owners downtown should be treated equally

  • If someone wants to build a surface parking lot, they can:

    • Go through the variance process

    • Get a 2-year temporary lot built

    • Go through the same process as everyone else

Green Cincinnati Plan:


“Surface parking lots downtown should be discouraged to make way for higher density uses of the space, and minimum parking requirements should be reduced.”

“Population density frees up more land for farming and greenspace. Denser areas allow more people to have access to goods and services that might not be available to people with mobility challenges.”


Connected Communities section:

“Embrace zoning reform that increases density near transit, reduces or eliminates parking requirements across the city, and minimizes the use of surface parking lots”

Register below and we will keep you updated.


Beyond Automobiles: A Conversation on Environmental Justice and Transportation


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